Onboarding wizzzard
td helpdesk
Last Update 4 months ago
When you arrive at the teamdecoder app for the very first time, right after your registration, you will be welcomed with this screen:
This screen is followed by a series of questions that we highly recommend you answer ;)
- Who is in your team?
- What is your team capable of doing?
- What roles do you have or need?
- Clear agreements make long friendship!
- Every team needs a network!
- Teamwork makes the team work.
- Last but not least: Projects.
The content you enter during this onboarding will pre-pupulate the 7 lists of the teamdecoder framework. Like this we can assure that you know how the framework functions what kind of content goes where.
Please do not skip!
You can always re-enter the onboarding tool. It is accessible in your settings, and all entered elements will be added to the ones your team already has: