Circle/ project focus mode

td helpdesk

Last Update há um mês

The focus mode works in the exact same way for circles and for projects. Here we will use a circle to explain how it works:

Entering circle/project focus mode

You enter circle focus mode by clicking on the little "dot in a circle" icon on the right side of the circle tile. Here we want to enter focus mode for the circle "Strategy".

Once you have entered the focus mode the item in focus will turn red to indicate what you are now seeing on your screen: 

The focus mode is also indicated be the red "FOCUS" button in the top navigation:

What happens when circle/project focus mode is active?

You can now delete and/or add circle members. We recommend to mainly work with the blue lists - teamdecoder automatically translates this into "names" in the yellow people list.
In this example we want to add the role "HR" to the circle "Strategy". So instead of adding names of the people, I tell teamdecoder to add this role to the circle.

I do so by clicking on the "+" in the tile, or by dragging-and-dropping the tile in the upper droppable, darker area:

Next teamdecoder prompts me to decide whether I want to 

  1. add this role as a "Core member" or as an "Extended member" to this circle in focus. "Core" means permanent member, participating in all circle meetings. And "Extended" means, participating only on request, on certain topics, when needed.

  2. and if I want to add ALL owners of this role, or just specific ones. If this was the HR circle I might want to add all owners of this role to the circle, but as this is the strategy circle, we do not want to overcrowd it and chose just one representative.

Once added, circle/project members look like this:

  • in the roles list the role "HR" is now in the upper, darker area, which means it is part of the strategy circle (see: red circle = strategy circle is in focus)
  • the role is in the upper part under "core members" - you can see the part "extended members" under the first darker area
  • and in blue we see the name "Peyton" who is the one owner of the role HR who has been added to the strategy circle, in his capacity as HR role owner

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