Compare mode
Compare mode is the "side-by-side" mode!
td helpdesk
Last Update 3 dagen geleden
- ... put X people next to each other, and drag and drop their skills, roles, domains and links around. This is perfect for smaller teams or people within a circle, that regularly need to sit a re-assign roles.
- ... put X skills and/or roles next to each other, and drag and drop their tasks around. Re-arranging tasks is necessary when you have many similiar roles and need to be clearly differentiatet. Eg. does the project manager or the account manager write the cost etsimate?
This is how compare mode works:
You enter it by clicking on "Compare" in the side navigation:
After clicking their you will see a popup explaining how Compare Mode works - it's what we said in our intro to this article:
It basically means that you can EITHER pick people OR skills/roles - as many as you want.
Once you click ok you'll see the lists like this - there are only people, skilsl and roles left, and in every card there is a tick box on the right side:
As soon as you start ticking in the yellow list, the blue lists will be blocked, and vice versa.
People compare
Let's pick 3 people like this:
And then click on START in the top navigation;
You will then see the 3 people you had picked next to each other and can drag and drop all cards around to rearrange their work:
- by clicking on the "+" icon on the top right of each yellow list, the people tool opens and you can edit the person
- if you click on a card, the tool according to the skill, role, domain or link will open, and you can work on that.
- in Compare mode you cannot add new items to people. Please use Focus Mode for that. Or - it the item is already in the board, click on teh card and add the person is the owner section.
When you drag a card from one person to another, and the other person is already owner of the same role, skill, domain or link, you will see this popup:
If you click "merge" the item will not be with the original owner anymore, and there will be no change in the destination owner, as this person already had the item assigned. Workloads will not be merged!
Skills/ roles compare
If you pick items in the blue lists the way it works is the same ...
... you click "Start" and then you'' see this:
- You can now drag and drop these tasks around, and
- you can add new tasks by clicking on the "+" icon at the top right of every list, or by clicking on any card inside that list - the according tool will open and you can work on the tasks in this tasks area as usal:
- when you chose PEOPLE you will see the skills, roles, domains and links they own
- when you chose SKILLS/ROLES you will see the assigned TASKS of those skills/roles